Martial Arts Insurance

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Martial Arts Liability Insurance
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The choice of thousands of
satisfied martial arts school owners!

The Most Important Considerations

What are the most important considerations to think about when choosing the right martial arts insurance?
Can you survive a million dollar lawsuit? That is the biggest thing to consider. Martial Arts instructors teach their students to defend themselves; instructors need to defend themselves also.

  1. What is the history of the company? (When, where and by whom was it founded)
    We realized in 1990 that martial arts insurance was very expensive and we wanted to reduce our costs. Therefore, we appealed to other school owners, who agreed to support our efforts and purchased insurance through our organization.

  2. What types of insurance do you offer and which types do you sell the most of?
    We currently offer a variety of insurance options, critical to Martial Arts School owners. The most popular is liability and medical insurance for school participants and owners. We also offer content coverage to protect products and equipment, located inside schools. We provide insurance for: tournaments, camps (all types), mixed martial arts, and many other disciplines and/or events. We’ve also recently adopted Workers’ Compensation insurance, which is required by the states of New York, New Jersey and California.

  3. What are the most important considerations to think about when choosing the right insurance?
    Your ability to survive a million dollar lawsuit is by far, the largest consideration. Martial Arts instructors teach their students to defend themselves; instructors need to defend themselves as well. Hopefully you will never have to rely on an insurance policy, but make sure that you have the best. Instructors should research the company and make sure that they have a solid reputation and business history. Never conduct business with untrustworthy, internet companies, with no credibility. Insurance is the first line of defense for martial arts instructors.

  4. Do most martial arts schools carry insurance; is it required?
    All martial arts schools should carry liability insurance. The majority of landlords require instructors to have liability insurance, prior to signing a lease agreement and opening a school.

  5. Is your insurance affordable to the average, single location school, or mainly larger schools?
    We are proud to say we offer the most affordable, full service insurance available today. Regardless of school size, every client is treated the same. No school is too small or large.

  6. What kinds of incidents does the insurance cover? Can you give me some examples of things that can go wrong and how insurance would be helpful?
    The most common incident is a student sustaining an injury during training. We have processed claims where a student sustained a neck injury and the studio was sued. Accidents happen and that is why ALL school owners, regardless of size, need to carry liability/medical insurance. The instructor must make sure that the insurance they have has participant liability coverage. Only policies that have participant liability coverage will protect them if they are sued because of a student’s injury, while training. Unfortunately, the majority of policies don’t offer this critical coverage.

  7. How are your products or services different from competitors?
    • We submit all the necessary documents for our clients.
    • We act as a buffer between the insurance company and our clients, expediting policies, claims etc.
    • We offer the best customer service.

  8. What makes your company successful?
    Many of our clients have switched to us because they received very little assistance when dealing with their former insurance companies. We take great pride in customer service and make sure that we attend to the needs of our clients.

  9. How do you market your products?
    We market our services via print media, internet and word of mouth. We receive most our clients from word of mouth because of the quality of our products and customer service.

  10. Is there anything else I should know?
    The most-important things to remember about Martial Arts Insurance is the quality of our customer service and that we offer participant liability coverage.